Cosmetista Expo North & West Africa 2024
This year we had the opportunity to take part in the Cosmetista Expo North & West Africa 2024 in Morocco, Casablanca.
No matter if it is an extraordinary physical fitness, healthier lifestyle or good look the purpose is to create moments of accomplishment, great joy, unique pleasure, building confidence and providing internal peace of mind.
As consumers needs are fairly differentiated, each of our brands has covers a certain one to respond people’s goals specifically.
Trec believes in a world where the need for self-improvement and overcoming one’s barriers shows people direction in life.
Feeling of belonging to an exceptional pack that stands-out above a crowd. Comfortable, functional and durable clothing that supports athletes to perform above average.
Formotiva believes that people can stay on track enjoying healthy and active life.
6PAK believes in the world where youth can shine by leading an enjoyable active life.
Sport Definition believes in a world where people can define the way they want to live.
Essensey believes in a world where people can find a holistic balance of body and mind.